Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Just Me

I guess that the first post should always be about the blogger. I've never been one too keen on traditions but some are just too ingrained into the fabric of our lives.

I am one to break out in extensional thoughts and ramble on and on about what ever strikes my fancy or gets me riled up. I leave it up to people to read my rambles on their own without pushing it on anyone or asking someone to read it.

So recently my life has been a roller coaster ride into the depths of some pit. First off my doc tells me that there is something wrong. Tara, a friend of mine, gets the same news within a few days of me. She has already had surgery and a specialist told me that the other doc was stupid. A dear friend - like one of the best-, Lacey, crashes her car on the way to Provo, Idaho for school. She is shook up but miraculously alive and kicking. A coworker of my husband found a yorkie pup like 50 days ago. I took her in last Friday night. Saturday I took her to the vet. She has a broken jaw and needs like 3 teeth pulled. We can't afford that, so I called the husband who asked another of his coworkers if she still wanted her. So late Saturday night little pipsqueak left for a new home where she could be pampered. My heart kinda broke cause she was so cute.

Maybe one day I will be able to have a job. I am trying to become a teacher in my hometown. I hope that before this summer is out I will have a real teaching placement in the field of social studies.