Monday, November 17, 2008

Cryin Shame

All Hallows was a blast. Jules threw an amazing party. Not that there was any doubt in the first place. I was Hermione, with a little extra, and HE went as John McClane. Drinks were flowing... Jules decorated the whole house to look like Wonderland.

This past Friday was a horrible day. At like 1:50 in the afternoon a car carrying three seniors from GRHS crashed into a white van on a wet winding road. Even though the three were all wearing their seat belts none survived. The driver of the car they hit was Nightingale'd to the PAH ER. All your could hear this weekend on the news was how the little Volkswagon was in like three or four peices before the wrecker crew got there. I was getting phone calls from half of the teens at church just so that they could talk to someone about it. The kids weren't drunk. They were barely above the speed limit. They drifted a little over the line. This has been posted around the web for years but I want all of my friends to read it.

Its been a hard time for the kids of the VB area. Too many lives have been taken too soon.

Guh i sound like a public service announcement.