Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Upside down life

So its been a while. Last week they took my Great Aunt off of the respirator at her own request. She was given 72 hours. I do not think that she has passed on yet. I told my Grammy (Mom's Mom and my Great Aunt's Sister) to go spend time with Aunt G. She was in the way of thinking that I would be mad at her for missing my graduation to go be with her sister. It took me over an hour to set her straight.
I graduated on Saturday afternoon. There were maybe 400 of us there. That night we drove home and got ready for the race on Sunday. The Hubby 'broke' his car at the race and we had to have it trailered home for us. Although, when we took it to the shop yesterday it was fine. The ford dealership said that the fan was broken beyond repair and a new one would have to be found.. then our friend the mechanic said the car was running fine.We had already purchased the part from the dealership... which is now sitting in the trunk.
Tuesday, I had a 10 am interview at Childtime Daycare. That lasted 2 hours... Then I had a secondary interview at 330 that lasted another hour. In which they put me in what is going to be my classroom and watched me interact with the kids. Today the Director called and told me that I had the job... as long as the background checks clear. Which is funny since I have had like five of them in the last six months. I am going to set of some kind of detector at the FBI with the number of Federal Checks I have had done in the last six months. All of my licenses, permits, federal contracts and now childcare.
Last night I finally had some time to get around to watching some of the shows that I DVR'd in last weeks rush to prep for graduation. Warrick dies in CSI !!! what in the world. Lynnette got arrested on Desperate... the 'bad seed' child got sent away for trying to get rid of Lynnette.
I have my first real Teaching interview on Thursday and I am terrified. I'm going through and sanitizing everything that I have written on the web. Anything that can be linked back to me. A lot of principals are checking myspace and facebook during or after interviews. I have to prep and copy my portfolio and then digitize as much of it as I can. I don't want to seem like a techno dork. Momma J says that these interviews will be 'horrible and grueling.' I don't know how much more stress I can take right now. Hubby has me up in arms about the M-issue. He just keeps spending. I don't think he realizes that we are going to have to put down 10 % when we move out of this condo. I really want to open an account at nfcu and not let him touch it. that way it is earning some interest and we can use it when we need it most... not when he wants something not useful.

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