Saturday, November 27, 2010

Black Friday

So, for the last 2 years I have wondered why I allow myself to work on Black Friday. I've come to the realization that I'm sick and tired of it. There is no damn good reason for me to even be outside that day.

I arrived at the TRU store at 820 AM and we had already been open for 10 hours. I was told stories about how the lines on Thursday night had wrapped around the building. Steeling my nerves I entered the sales floor and was immediately put on crowd control. 8 hours of directing traffic to the check out lanes. Some wet behind the ears new hire (that I swear was older than my parents) spent the better part of 20 minutes telling me how to do the job that I do for every big event at the store. I was 2 seconds away from putting the pointy end of an umbrella through his temple.

The best part of working retail on Black Friday is, of course, our wonderful customers. Being the first associate anyone saw when they entered the store left me the prime target for their questions and bitchy attitudes. This one little old couple made my day though. They had a sheet of paper with neatly cut out pics of the toys and games that their grandkids wanted. Being totally lost they grabbed my arm and asked for help. Which i gladly gave because they asked... not yelled at me to find it for them. I scurried around a few isles and came back with most of what they were looking for. They even offered me a tip. But my manager was near by so i had to say no. DANG IT.

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